Jazmina Barrera was born in Mexico City in 1988. She was a fellow at the Foundation for Mexican Letters and at Mexico’s Fonca’s Program for young writers and she’s a member of the SNCA (National System of Art Creators in Mexico). She was a beneficiary of the residencies at Casa Estudio Cien años de Soledad. She has published work in various print and digital media, such as The Paris Review, El Malpensante, Words Without Borders, El País andThe New York Times. She has a Master's Degree in Creative Writing in Spanish from New York University, which she completed with the support of a Fulbright grant. She is the author of four books in Spanish: Cuerpo extraño, Cuaderno de faros, Linea nigra, the children’s book, Los nombres de los animales, Punto de cruz and La reina de espadas. She has also co-written the books Nuestro plan de fiesta (with Camila Fabbri) and Rituales para la amistad (with Daniela Rea and Elvira Liceaga). Her books have been published in nine countries and translated to English, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese and French. Her book of essays Cuerpo extraño (Foreign Body) was awarded the Latin American Voices prize by Literal Publishing in 2013. Cuaderno de faros (On Lighthouses) was long listed for the von Rezzori award and chosen for the Indie Next list by Indie Bound. Linea Nigra was a finalist for the National Book Critics Cricle’s Gregg Barrios Book in Translation Prize, the National Book Critics Circle Autobiography Prize, the CANIEM’s Book of the year award and the Amazon Primera Novela (First Novel) Award. Punto de cruz (Cross-Stitch) was a finalist in the Calamo Awards, long-listed for the Republic of Consciousness Prize and short-listed for the Queen Sofía Award. She is editor and co-founder of Ediciones Antílope. She lives in Mexico City.